I'm seeing more and more beautiful uses of animated GIFs with very smooth playback – the likes of which layer/frame animation in Photoshop could never produce. Just wanted to poll the community to see what are people using for building up animated images (whether GIF or APNG)?
A few recent examples I've received:
Moo's sale reminder
Invision's weekly digest (UX design tips block)
I have access to Flash and After Effects, just not much time to play around yet. Could obviously convert video clips to GIF, but for non-live-action animations or on-boarding graphics, I'd really like make them smoother, more life-like... so just curious, what are y'all using?
It lets you apply effects and filters to APNG in order to enhance its looks such as bevel, glow, box blur, radial blur, pixelate, drop shadow, sharpen, emboss, etc. A variety of painting tools are available in it to manually draw over it. These tools mainly include brush, line, shapes, polygon, flood fill, text arts, and more. Jan 31, 2019 In order for the apng's to work inside VT PRO, make sure you untick the following options in the apng's 'compression settings' and select the method 'zlib': After having created your animated PNG, you can simply import and save it into your 3DVista VT PRO library and use it inside your tours. Posted in News After Effects by aescripts + aeplugins on April 26, 2016 We are happy to share with the community our FREE installer for CEP extensions for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. It will work with any ZXP extension, it does not have to be one you got from us. Jul 23, 2017 APNG support would allow content providers to serve up much richer animated graphics using this format, though OBS image and browser sources both display the image, they only display the first frame statically and no animation is played as it's treated as a normal PNG file With GIF and the.
Apng After Effects Projects