Awesome Github Readme


Github News for type designers and font developers. 205 Exploring a Well-Organized Ruby Project (Haml) 205 Conventions to Know About 210 What Goes in a README 211 Laying Out. End must 'be awesome' do #.


GitHub profiles always seemed a bit impersonal to me. Generally, you would pin some repositories and give some information like employer, location and website. To give developers more control, GitHub released the possibility for a profile README. Let's have a quick look.

You start by creating a public repository with the same name as your GitHub username. In my case, I create a repository called 'DaveBitter'. In that repository, you add a That's it. From here on you can use MarkDown to tell more about yourself, highlight skills, share social media links and anything you can think of. The README will now be used to display this content on your GitHub profile.

Awesome Github Readme Templates

Awesome github readme templates

My GitHub profile README

As you can see, my README is fairly brief, but it does allow me to tell a bit more about myself, share a link to my articles and plug some social media channels. As always, some developers take full advantage and push for the limit. A collection with several of these examples can be found in this collection repository.

Awesome Github Readme

The biggest reason I like this feature is how it converts a 'dry' profile page into a more human and personal page. Looking at some of the above-linked examples makes me reminiscent of pages on an old and retired Dutch social media platform called Hyves.


That's all. Make sure to add one of these README files to make the web more personalized, fun and awesome!

Need help opening Twisted Wonderland in Bluestacks! As the title suggests, I need help opening the application using Bluestacks. I already have it installed using Qooapp, but whenever I try to open it the application it immediately crashes and redirects me to the this google page which is the FAQ page for when the application crashes. I wanted to play Twisted Wonderland but is not working it keeps kicking me out the game. I heard the game used to work in till the new update. Any news or information that Bluestacks devs are working on this issue? I can't play the game on any other emulator so Bluestacks is my only hope but i see no information regarding the issue. Twisted wonderland bluestacks. Need help opening Twisted Wonderland As the title suggests, I need help opening the application. I already have it installed using Qooapp, but whenever I try to open it the application it immediately crashes and redirects me to the this google page which is the FAQ page for when the application crashes.